The Cubs, LeBron, DWade, Latrell Sprewell and Anthony Weiner

The Cubs--suck, just suck.  Maureen and I were in chicago for a conference last week and I had tickets for two games.  We went Tuesday night and watched Marmol collapse in the 9th.  I was out of the building so fast I turned around and poor Maureen was still in her seat.  Then the next day she had to work (one of us has to) and I went to a day game.  As my son Kurt will tell you, 'ain't nothing like a day game at Wrigley in the sun'...except I always forget what team plays in the building.  Suck, suck beat again.  Upon my return home Maureen and I watched them give up back to back walk offs to Pujols...suck, suck, suck.  I put everything I owned that had the Cubs logo on it in a box and placed it in front of my house with a sign that said's all still there.  Gee, wonder why...

LeBron--I actually met LeBron James right after he signed with the Cavaliers and was a shill for Coca-Cola at a press conference we had in NYC that nobody covered.  He was shy, poorly spoken and not very friendly.  Today he is not shy, still poorly spoken (though much better) and I guess friendly if you have a swoosh on your forehead.  I'm not a LeBron hater however.  I like watching him play and he is clearly the most exciting player in the game some of the time.  Just not all of the time.  The most exciting player in the game?  Dwayne Wade going away.  He seems to seldom fall apart at the end (though he has I know) and he is so fast and fun to watch.  You know who I compare him to?  Latrell Sprewell!  What you say?  Yea Sprewell.  I don't mean best in the game, just fast.  One time when he was with the Knicks I had some courtside tickets (thanks Chris) and was astounded at just how fast that guy was.  And intense.  I still think that was the most fun I have had at a basketball game, watching Latrell Sprewell play....that's what I get watching Wade.  I just love the speed.

Anthony Weiner--his name is Weiner.  The End.


  1. I never thought you would write anything praising Latrell Sprewell, but here it is. Next: praising Alfonso Soriano?

  2. going to cubs vs yankees saturday, i will have to see if you are right...

    weiner hahahaha weiner i get it!!!

    never saw latrell play (thanks chris!)


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