It Can Happen Here

 This election season has led me to ask the question:  "what would Doremus Jessup say?"

My name is Doremus Jessup and I was born in 1935 to a mother named Sinclair Lewis.  Lewis, one of America’s great authors, spawned me in a novel entitled It Can’t Happen Here.   That book, which detailed the takeover of the American government by a dictator elected by the American people, offered a fictionalized account of what, of course, seemed impossible in the America of Washington, Lincoln and Jefferson.

In the book I was the small-town editor of a newspaper that offered somewhat cynical, yet factual reviews of the comings and goings of the days' fictional politicians.  Senator Berzelius “Buzz” Windrip was the name of the eventual dictator who marshaled support from across the country - young kids to older adults - by scaring them and reminding them that only he had the answers to the problems plaguing America, principally caused at that time by bankers and the radical left.  Lewis, chose these enemies of the people, during a period when just that kind of attack on just those kinds of people was underway in Nazi Germany and fascist Italy.

Lewis wrote, It Can’t Happen Her, at least partially,  to wake America up to the possibility that, in fact, it could happen here.  Written 85 years ago, after re-reading it and seeing what is happening today, I have concluded that it can happen here and I must, once again, rise to object and ring the bell of clarity and alarm.

Today Windrip, aka Donald Trump, offers a perfect solution to his base (while thumbing his nose at the rest of the world and destroying what used to be a noble and moderate political party):  elect me or chaos will reign.  During the current campaign, where chaos does reign I am chilled to the bone watching Lewis’ fictional account of the demise of America come to life in living color,

Buzz Trump works tirelessly to make it happen here and that means we should be very, very scared.

This is no idle threat to our democracy.  This mad-man has even said explicitly he might not honor the results of the election if he doesn’t get elected.  This bed-rock principle of our democracy, peaceful transition of power, is now seriously under threat.  And if anyone dare wonder if he would really do it, just look back on his four years of dishonest behavior revolving only around his own self-interest, his hate and his lack of empathy or sympathy for anyone who appears weak, for evidence that he will do it. 

It can happen here.  Wake up America!  Buzz Trump is a threat to America and the world.  I appeal to all citizens and especially to my moderate Republican friends, please stand up for what is right.  Even if you don’t think Joe Biden is the perfect man, he is the right man now because his opponent is the wrong man at any time.

Wake up America.  It can happen here.

Doremus Jessup

Yes, I believe that is exactly what Doremus Jessup would have written...It Can't Happen Here is still available in paperback. 


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