Sometimes democracy sucks

OK, so let me see if I understand here...Roger Clemen's dna is found on the syringes and cotton balls (man, talk about foresight) but some idiot prosecutor submits some evidence-as in the conversation Andy Pettitte had with his wife saying Clemens did it-now that's controversial...and the judge declares a mistrial.

My bet is they don't re-try this case and Clemens goes home.  He ain't goin in the Hall of Fame, but I'll bet he goes home (one time Kurt and I were at a Mets game when an opposing pitcher was taken out...some guy yelled "you don't have to go home, but you gotta leave here!").

Then there's that Anthony trial...

And OJ...

And a million other trials thrown out on a technicality or because a good lawyer convinced a jury that their client didn't do it.

There are also stories like the one on the ESPY's the other night about a guy who went to jail for 35 years for something he didn't do.  The film/story--the interminable story (thing went on forever) said he was in jail because the prosecutor hid evidence of his innocence...

So Clemens gets off,  at least for now...

OJ?   Ditto...

Anthony? Ditto...

But in the last case it was the prosecutor that lied and sent an innocent man to jail by hiding evidence (how does that happen?  And why aren't they hunting HIM down to prosecute him?)

Here's my point.  The last story is the reason for the first three.  People lie and sometimes they are the so-called 'good guys.'.  And they will put you in jail rather than give you a fair trial to get a victory.   So judges and juries have to bend over backwards to give the guilty person the benefit of the doubt.  And that often means that guilty person goes free.

It doesn't mean we have to like it.  I hate Roger Clemens and all he stands for, along with Bonds, Sosa, McGwire, Palmiero et al.  They ruined my game for a while so I want them punished which in this case means keeping them out of the Hall of Fame rather than jail, (though you never know what will happen in those Congressional perjury situations).

But I'd much rather have a system that gives me the benefit of the doubt (innocent until proven guilty) than the other way around.  And that means we're going  to mess up sometimes and do a Clemens...

So, democracy sucks.  But so do people and that's why we're lucky to have it.


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