This is probably the last post because the world ends saturday

You know, this has been fun.  I mean I think of something and write about it and millions of followers (three) take it and pass it on and we change the world together.  Only no reason to keep going.  Harold Camping and Family Radio say the world is ending Saturday, or at least it's starting to end Saturday but the show runs five months.  Not sure why it takes god that much time but he says it will.

Camping, if you haven't heard, has taken his Bible-that book full of myths, stories, made up stuff written by men (no women allowed remember) and has figured out 1) when Noah's flood was and 2) the exact date 7000 years later that the rapture will start and the just will be elevated to heaven and the rest of us will die horrible deaths.  Never mind that in 7000 years the calendar he's using has changed several times.  Old Harold-and Harold alone!-has figured it out.

Have you SEEN Harold Camping?  First of all  he looks like he was here for that flood.  Second he's a freakin' engineer for goodness sake who 'taught himself the bible.'  And third of all he's just fundamentally off his rocker, nutso, gone, gone goodbye kinda crazy.

I happen to know from a good source he's spending millions in newspaper advertising to warn us about this big day.  He's kind of taking Super Bowl advertising to a new level.  I guess if this was Harold's money I couldn't say anything.

But it's not.  It's a bunch of people-a WHOLE bunch of people-who he has convinced to send him checks (as the great country song says "he tells 'em to send their money to the lord but gives 'em his address") for that silly radio station of his and now in order for him to spend it on advertising...

As you can tell by reading this blog I have mixed political views.  Some liberal (mostly) some libertarian...but on this one I think the government needs to come in and shut this looney toon down and make him give the money back.  If, after all, this was some company selling snake oil and they told people they would live to 200 if they drank it, isn't there some government agency that would make them stop?  Isn't this the kind of thing we need the government to really care about-people taking advantage of people and taking their life savings for fraudulent reasons?

Since that isn't going to happen I for one have decided what I'm going to do at 12:01 am Saturday:  I'm going to take all my clothes off and run into the middle of the street here in Leesburg and wait for the thunder  bolt.   If it doesn't come by 12:02, I'm going back to bed.  If it does come, well, at least I will have had some fun getting zapped. 

I would say 'what is this world coming to' but no reason to right?

I would like to write more but have to go.  I'm going to get out my well read Bible and see if I can figure out when the Cubs are going to win the pennant. If a 200 year old man with a slide rule can figure out when jesus is coming back, surely I can figure out when the north side of Chicago is going to finally celebrate.

Gotta' be in there somewhere.


  1. Do we see the link between being able to believe the end is near and believing the Cubs can win the pennant?


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