
Showing posts from May, 2012


When you wash the dishes...wash the dishes simple Buddhist description of mindfulness What the Buddhist teachers are trying to get across here is that when we do something we should really be doing just that something.  We should be concentrating on the issue at hand. I don't know about you but I never do that.  When I'm washing the dishes (a task I try to avoid) I'm thinking about the kids and Jennifer's new baby, Kristin's new job, Kurt's poetry and writing that he's waiting to hear from a publisher about.  I'm not thinking about the cheese I'm washing off the plate, I'm wondering why I keep coughing, and how I'm going to raise the money I need to keep the monastery open. My mind is on money and figuring out if I have enough to make it this month. The dishes wash themselves, really. Truth is we all do this a lot.  We are always thinking about something else right? The past for me is bitter sweet, and I think about it a lo